6 Ways to Develop Self-Confidence in Kids

6 Ways to Develop Self-Confidence in Kids

If you are interested in ways to develop self-confidence in your child/children and support a positive self-image here are six steps that you can take.

  1. Create Self-Confidence by Showing Their Value

To build healthy and balanced self-esteem in your kids, begin by instilling a deep understanding of their values. Values can be researched online or can be part of your family value system. Some examples of values are kindness, forgiveness, friendliness, fairness, determination, curiosity and fun.

  1. Demonstrate Their Uniqueness

It is often helpful to expand on the principle of your child’s uniqueness – this might be asking them questions such as “What is it about you that makes you who you are? What gets you excited? What do you love to do most?” Explore their strengths and natural inclinations and help them get enthused about developing their abilities in these areas.

  1. Talk About their weaknesses

 It’s ok to talk about your child’s strengths and struggles. As you identify their weaknesses assure them that it’s okay not to be good at everything. Help them to sense that you know them and that you fully accept them for who they are. It is also a good opportunity to explore areas they may wish to develop.

  1. Provide A Healthy Dose of Reality

Once your kids are on the road to a positive self-image, how do you keep them from going to the other extreme? Healthy amounts of balanced discipline and loving correction will also go a long way in discouraging attitudes of entitlement and self-centredness.

  1. Model Positive Self-Image

If you want your children to have a healthy self-image, work on having a healthy self-image yourself. Remember that the vast majority of parental teaching happens through what children witness in their home environment. Good attitudes toward life are usually caught rather than taught. If you have a good concept of who you are and accept that it’s going to rub off on the people around, you.

  1. Build Self-Confidence Through Friendships

The practice of giving compliments and noticing our strengths within friendships can be an excellent way to show children their value and help them develop self-confidence.

If your children are struggling with self confidence despite your best efforts, it may be time to seek additional supports and advice from a psychologist. Contact us to find out how we cna assist your child to flourish.

Jenna Trainor