How self compassionate are you?

How self compassionate are you?

Whilst it is perhaps not possible to be too kind to ourselves, there are certainly those out there that could benefit from an injection of self-compassion.

Perhaps you are wondering if you are kind enough to yourself. Or perhaps you are thinking that you do not need to practice self-compassion. That may be true. But to know for sure we invite you take a questionnaire that will let you know how compassionate you are to yourself and whether or not you might benefit from learning to be more compassionate.

You can access this questionnaire here.

How did you go?

Could you benefit from some help boosting your self-compassion?

There are some great online resources to help you build your self-compassion

 Head on over to the Centre for Clinical Interventions  or the Self Compassion website by Kristin Neff. 

For some people, being more compassionate towards themselves can be an overwhelming experience. Especially if they have a history of trauma or abuse. For some people it is simply just too hard to override that self critical voice in their mind.

If this is the case for you, we recommend that you seek the help of a psychologist to help you develop ways to be more compassionate to yourself and in turn boost your mental health.

If you would like to find out more please contact us at the practice.

Kellie Cassidy

Dr. Kellie Cassidy is an experienced Clinical Psychologist who works with children, adolescents and adults on a wide range of presenting problems. Kellie strives to assist her clients to improve their wellbeing and reach their goals through evidence based and clinically proven therapies.