Technology and Sleep

Technology and Sleep

How can we Reduce the Impact of Technology on Sleep? Tips for getting a better night’s sleep 

In today’s world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones and tablets to computers and televisions, screens are everywhere – including in our bedrooms. While technology offers many benefits, it also poses significant challenges, particularly when it comes to sleep. 

Technology use in the bedroom is an increasingly widespread issue affecting individuals of all ages. Recent research indicates that approximately 75% of children and 70% of adults use electronic devices in their bedrooms or while in bed. Unfortunately, the nighttime use of these devices can negatively impact both the quantity and quality of sleep. So with sleep experts advising that technology should be kept out of the bedroom, what can we do to move toward a technology-free bedroom, or at least try to reduce the amount of technology that we engage with at night? 

Read on to learn about some useful tips to reduce the impact of technology on our sleep. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements in sleep quality and health. 


Tips for Reducing the Impact of Technology on Sleep 

Establish a Screen-Free Bedtime Routine 

Create a relaxing routine that doesn’t involve screens, such as reading a book, listening to calming music, or practising mindfulness. This helps signal to your brain that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep. 

Set a Technology Curfew 

Turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime. This reduces exposure to blue light, which can interfere with melatonin production, and allows your mind to start relaxing for sleep. 

Use Blue Light Filters 

If you must use screens in the evening, activate blue light filters or night mode on your devices. These settings reduce the amount of blue light emitted, which can help minimise its impact on your sleep cycle. 

Create a Tech-Free Bedroom 

Designate the bedroom as a tech-free zone. This means no TVs, computers, tablets, or smartphones. Keeping technology out of the bedroom helps create an environment that is conducive to sleep.

Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment 

Make your bedroom a haven for sleep by keeping it cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in comfortable bedding and consider using blackout curtains or a white noise machine to enhance your sleep environment. 

Monitor and Limit Screen Time for Children 

Set clear guidelines for your children’s screen time, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime. Encourage alternative activities that promote relaxation and connection, such as board games, reading or quiet play. 

Encourage Physical Activity During the Day 

Regular physical activity can improve sleep quality. Ensure that both you and your children get plenty of exercise during the day, which can help you fall asleep more easily at night. 

Be Mindful of Content 

Pay attention to the type of content being consumed, especially before bed. Avoid watching or playing anything that is overly stimulating, scary, or upsetting, as it can make it harder to fall asleep. 

Utilise Sleep-Friendly Apps 

If you prefer some digital assistance to help you relax, consider using apps designed to promote sleep, such as those offering guided meditations, white noise, or sleep stories. Just be sure to set a timer so the device turns off automatically. 

Charge Devices Outside the Bedroom 

Charge your phones, tablets, and other electronics outside of the bedroom. This prevents late-night distractions and reduces the temptation to check devices during the night. 

Model Good Behaviour 

Children often mimic their parents’ habits. By practising good sleep hygiene yourself, including limiting your own screen time before bed, you can set a positive example for your children. 


At Prosper Health Collective, we are committed to helping people navigate the challenges of modern technology and its impact on sleep. By understanding the effects of screen time and implementing healthy sleep practices, you can improve sleep quality for both you and your family. Remember, good sleep is foundational to overall health and well-being. 

If you have any concerns about sleep or need further guidance, our team of experienced clinicians is here to support you. Please contact us at Prosper Health Collective for further information on 6381 0071. Together, we can foster healthier habits and ensure restful nights for the whole family.

Jen Sandilands