Understanding Loneliness

Understanding Loneliness

Loneliness is indeed a common and often challenging emotional state that many people experience, but it’s not always easy to discuss openly. It encompasses a range of emotions, and it can profoundly impact one’s physical, mental and emotional well-being. Here are some key aspects of loneliness:

Feeling empty. Loneliness is often characterized by a feeling of emptiness and a sense of longing for connection. It can create a profound emotional void, making individuals yearn for meaningful connection with other people. Social media can make things worse e.g., when seeing other people’s posts on social media about their friends and family. Loneliness may lead to a longing for past connections and relationships. Individuals might rue past mistakes or missed opportunities in their social lives, contributing to a sense of regret.

Disconnection. Loneliness often involves a perception of disconnection from others. Individuals may feel isolated, struggling to connect with those around them or experiencing a sense of detachment from the broader social world. Loneliness can be accompanied by feelings of shame or embarrassment about one’s difficulty in connecting with others. This self-perceived social inadequacy can further hinder attempts to build new friendships.


Addressing loneliness can be helped by acknowledging these emotions. and taking proactive steps to improve social connections. This may include:

  • Social Engagement: Actively seeking opportunities to engage with others, join social groups, or participate in activities that align with personal interests.
  • Communication: Openly discussing feelings of loneliness with friends, family, or a mental health professional can provide emotional support and guidance.
  • Building New Connections: Initiating and cultivating new friendships or rekindling relationships can contribute to a sense of belonging and reduce loneliness.
  • Self-Reflection: Last, but definitely not the least: reflecting on personal expectations and fostering self-acceptance can be crucial in navigating and alleviating feelings of loneliness. Engaging in self-reflection with a mental health professional can really support this process by deepening the self-reflective process. It is empowering because you can find yourself coming to new insights and perspectives with their support, and it can give you a new taste of what it feels like to have meaningful companionship, and in so doing, support you to make similar connections outside of the therapy room.


It’s important to recognize that loneliness is a universal human experience, and taking steps to address it can lead to positive changes in social connections and overall mental health.

If you would like to have a conversation further on how to navigate this and would like to engage with one of our clinicians to support your journey, please contact us at Prosper Health Collective for further information on 6381 0071.

Pek Lee